Oak Tree Development Center

From Little Acorns
Mighty Oaks Do Grow

Oak Tree Development Center was created based upon a shared vision of partnering with families in order to provide a respectful and nurturing environment where children and families can blossom and support each other in their common experiences. As a pediatric therapy clinic, we offer occupational, physical, speech and language, behavioral therapy and therapeutic groups for children in Chicago, IL


Need Behavioral / Social Worker Support?

Has your family been looking for additional support?  Are you interested in behavioral therapy/social work services?  If so, contact Kathleen at 312-642-4300 or Kathleen@oaktreekids.com.

Are you interested in speech therapy for your child?

Our speech and language pathologists at Oak Tree Developmental Center help children acquire skills needed to communicate effectively. We provide therapy for delays and difficulties in language, articulation, fluency, feeding, social pragmatic skills and pre-reading/reading skills for kids of all ages. Please contact Mary at 312-642-4300 or Mary@oaktreekids.com for more information.

Contact Us For A Complimentary Consultation!

Call us now at (312) 642-4300 or fill out the form below.



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